22 June 2016
Preparedness in Denmark is changing More preparedness merged, new structures created. New smart call system from IHM utilizes the latest technology and provides greater efficiency.
IHM, who has over 30 years of experience in emergency solutions, has just launched an intelligent alerting solution in an innovative way calling emergency. IHMs permanent staff of service engineers and technicians are in close contact with emergency services, and has finger on the pulse of the needs and optimization potentials. The solution is a further development of the existing and reliable solution.
Security personnel coverage
The challenge of a traditional call is that it takes time to call. You do not have an overview of which of the summoned coming and whether staffing is adequate. Using the new intelligent alarm going summoning the required manpower coverage quickly. Each firefighter is a two-way pager, which he one touch can accept or not accept a call. At the control center activated additional groups step by step until the proper staffing can be made - and it all happens automatically.
Faster reaction
Michael Sass Andersen, Manager Project Department at IHM says: "The novelty of our contingency solution is that the feedback from two-way pages wears automatically collected and processed in relation to a predefined design of the crew. This ensures that it is always the right people and resources that call to a 112-task and manpower coverage is sufficient. The time required to complete a call is significantly reduced, meaning that preparedness can be quickly arrived at the scene. "
The momentum of the call is displayed on a large screen in the garage facility, so all entrants fire men are fully informed and can plan accordingly.
Great potential at home and abroad
Several countermeasures have shown great interest for intelligent alerting.
"We have great expectations for the gains that emergency preparedness at home and abroad can obtain by the intelligent alerting solution. As a first response has Emergency and Security in the past 6 months incrementally implemented the system on the whole Jutland, "says sales manager at IHM Steen Skaarup, adding:" The implementation has just been completed. With the good results already achieved in Jutland, we expect that other emergency follows. "