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  • 25 different interfaces - now available for remote control of radio communication

25 different interfaces - now available for remote control of radio communication

29 oktober 2021

‘I am proud to announce that our 25th interface for remote control of the radiocommunication of ICOM F5062/F6062 is ready and will be part of a new IHM control room solution for a port authority in the Middle East, says CEO Hardy Mortensen and continues: ‘I reckon that IHM is one of the few companies worldwide which provides this variety in interfaces for control of radio communication’, states CEO Hardy Mortensen.

Remote control features

Motorola, Sailor, TAIT, ICOM, Hytera, Sepura, Spectra and Kenwood are some of the brands included in the IHM interface portfolio. The IHM COMS enables not only remote control of the communication itself, but in general also squelch, channel selection and volume, too.
Of course, the features of the remote control depend on the radio / base stations functionalities, but in general it’s vital that the interface enables the primary features for the operators to control.

Relevant for mission critical organisation

The interfaces are implemented in the various radio dispatcher solutions for port authorities, refineries, VTS systems as well as for emergency services, airports and transportation.

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