Wednesday, 02 September 2020
IHM's succesful Status Panel solution is provided to Garmin Navigator 800/1000 dezl ™-serie, too.
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
IHM delivers 650 pieces of handheld radios, Airbus TH9 with DMO repeaters for the Danish Emergency Management Agency (DEMA).
Monday, 04 May 2020
The first VTS system in Cirebon in Indonesia was inaugurated in the beginning of 2020. The system was delivered by KONGBERG Norcontrol with IHM as subcontractor on the radio communication solution. With the opening of this system, the Indonesian Government has taken another step toward fulfilling it’s vision of establishing a Sea highway. When all 19 VTS systems are completed in the near future, the High Seaway will contribute to higher safety for ships but also to contribute to the local areas’ economy.
Wednesday, 21 March 2018
IHM’s first Technical and Sales Training Seminar in Asia Pacific for resellers, distributors and integrators took place in Singapore. The participants from different companies have completed the training with excellent results.