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IHM equipment for Cirebon VTS

Monday, 04 May 2020

IHM equipment for Cirebon VTS

The first VTS system in Cirebon in Indonesia was inaugurated in the beginning of 2020. The system was delivered by KONGBERG Norcontrol with IHM as subcontractor on the radio communication solution. With the opening of this system, the Indonesian Government has taken another step toward fulfilling it’s vision of establishing a Sea highway. When all 19 VTS systems are completed in the near future, the High Seaway will contribute to higher safety for ships but also to contribute to the local areas’ economy.


IHM takes over MotoTRBO activities from Roys Radio

Thursday, 01 October 2020

As per 1 October 2020, IHM takes over all MotoTRBO activities from the wellknown Danish company Roys Radio. At the same time the former RoyRadio employee Søren Hesseling starts in a position as service technician in the IHM Service and Support department.

Henrik Jacobsen starts position as Head of Projects

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Henrik Jacobsen is per 1st of August 2020 employed as new Head of Projects at IHM P/S. One of his first tasks is to manage the project Hovedstadens Letbane (Light rail), where IHM within the next couple of years is to deliver the tele communication for the SCADA solution .

DMR and maritime communication system at STAR Refinery

Wednesday, 02 January 2019

DMR and maritime communication system at STAR Refinery
Installation of a new infrastructure and communication system delivered by AIR and IHM, enables interoperability between maritime and land communication at one of Europe’s three largest refinery, the Star Refinery.Installation of a new infrastructure and communication system delivered by AIR and IHM, enables interoperability between maritime and land communication at one of Europe’s three largest refinery, the Star Refinery.

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